Activity strategy grouped as follows
- Vocational/Technical Skill Training – Transfer of direct skills to beneficiaries through staffs or use of master craftsmen in various selected skills which are relevant and related to the beneficiaries at a given community.
- Group Savings & Loan Association – supporting livelihood through group formation, training and mentoring of savings and loan association either using the traditional VSLA methodology or the SILC [Savings & Internal Lending Community]
- Cash Transfer Program/Seed Grant – modelling both piecemeal and lump sum to beneficiaries using modulated, conditional or unconditional methods in the various communities. Direct disbursement as well as through microfinance institution in order to promote greater financial inclusion for beneficiaries through smart grant; provision of seed grants either in cash or an inkind material supports as start-up for small capital trade and businesses initiatives on an individual or group base
- Business/Financial Education Counselling & Training- Using documented manuals, international approved modules such as Start & Improve Your Business, Enterprise Your Household, Market Identification Opportunities among a few. We will provide for youths, women and others information that can help them develop their trade, business as well as develop fundable business plans to access soft loans or grants from government and other private agencies. We have experience in linkages with existing government.