Education/Digital Inclusion

Activity strategies include Advocacy, Community Mobilization, Capacity building, Linkages and referrals. Some key areas of interest are as follows

  1. Access to Basic Education – Enrolment, retention & transition of children especially the girl child; supporting learning outcomes; establishment of in and out of groups girls-based groups or club.
  2. Education Support Services – covers support systems such as Adolescent Girls groups, Kids Forum, Safe Space, etc and other sporting related programs such as Quiz, Table Tennis, Spelling Bees.
  3. Educational Governance – establishment, strengthening and mentoring of School/Center Based Management Committees [SBMC/CBMC], Mothers Associations, Women Groups, Education Unit of Ward Development Committees towards school infrastructure development, increased learning outcomes while working closely with State Universal Education Boards [SUBEB], State Agency for Mass Education [SAME] and NITDA
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